I can’t believe I’ve had a blog for 10 years! (Does it count if I only post like once a year …?)
Maybe don’t answer that. But let me take this opportunity to announce the re-launch of this blog! I’m super excited to bring Valeria en el Mundo back to life, baby. Peep the new design, new look, new colors, new everything!
If you’re new here, welcome to the shit show! I love that you’re here.

As I look back at the blog the past 10 years, I teeter back and forth between wow, how did I get here? And what the hell was I doing back then? But also, what am I doing now? I was writing about being addicted to Xxtra Hot Cheetos back in 2014. And news flash, that hasn’t changed. But I’ve also been privileged enough to knock a few places off my travel bucket list Florence, Oaxaca City, Lisbon, Rome, etc. Sometimes, I blogged about it. Most times, I didn’t. But that changes now!
So, what can we expect coming soon? Well, if I can manage to keep myself motivated — because I’m an exhausted millennial trying to survive in corporate America after all #IYKYK — expect travel tips, stories, itinerary ideas, food recommendations and more. OH, and cute photos from my travels of course! Occasional nonsense might be included *shrugs.*
I hope to be able to find and build a beautiful community of like-minded people who also love exploring the world and experiencing new things. If that sounds like something you’d be into, sign up to receive email updates and join this little traveling-unicorn community!
Besides signing up for emails so you don’t miss any new blog posts, find me on all of the socials and let’s be friends! And with that, I leave you today …but not for long 😉