Hello, friends! Welcome to my blog! My name is Valeria. I’m a copywriter and art director, and I love, love, looove traveling. I originally created this blog to share my travel stories and, as time has gone on, I’ve tried to gear it more toward providing you travel tips, itinerary ideas, food recommendations (I LOOOOOVE FOOD!) and more!
I know travel can seem intimidating and inaccesible to some, and my goal is to show you how you, too, can do it and create gorgeous memories. Researching destinations, locals’ favorite spots for eats and drinks, cultures and everything travel-related is my favorite thing to do. So let me give you some ideas you’ll love for your next itinerary!
And now, I’d like to officially explain why I decided to call this blog Valeria en el Mundo. The name is in Spanish because it’s my first language and it’s representative of the Mexican culture I was raised in — it’s my way of paying tribute and remembrance to where I come from. It’ll be a daily reminder to never ever forget my roots.
Now on to the mundo part (mundo = world in Spanish). I’ve been fascinated with the idea of seeing the world ever since I can remember — and that’s the mission I’m currently on. I absolutely love traveling, planning trips, immersing myself in different cultures and just the idea of connecting with places that I’ve never been to. I invite you to stick around to read about my travel experiences and other bits of my life (i.e., my long-lived obsession with Hot Cheetos) on this blog.
I also have a YouTube channel where I post videos of my travels from time to time (and the occasional random rant-y vlog. Click here to check it out!